Focal Point Eye Care Baton Rouge

Myopia Control Baton Rouge

We provide an alternative to traditional glasses and contact lenses that controls the rate at which your child's vision deteriorates. Stronger prescriptions are associated with higher risks for eye disease, and we can greatly reduce those risks for your child. We are proud to be the leading experts in myopia management in Baton Rouge.

Slow the progression of myopia

Protect long-term ocular health

See clearly with no glasses and contacts

Maintain self-confidence

What is Myopia?

In short, myopia is difficulty seeing things far away. The more myopic a child becomes, the longer his or her eyeball is. This elongation causes a higher risk for retinal detachments and maculopathy, signifiant conditions that can permanently damage a child's sight. Traditional glasses and contact lenses unfortunately contribute to this elongation.

What is Orthokeratology?

Myopia control is achieved through one of three different treatments options, or through a combination of them. Our favorite option is orthokeratology, or ortho-k. This option consists of a small, rigid "contact lens" that is worn only at night. In the morning, your child removes the lens and is able to see clearly all day without glasses or contact lenses!

Why is CANDY good for the eyes?

The Controlling Astigmatism and Nearsightedness in Developing Youth study demonstrated that orthokeratology significantly reduces and even stops the rate of change of both nearsightedness and astigmatism in youth ages 9-18. Ortho-k is more cost effective in the earlier stages of myopia. It is better to stop axial elongation when the eye is still shorter, reducing the risk of retinal detachment.

David Bartels, O.D., Peter E. Wilcox, O.D.

How do I get started?

Our myopia management consultation is completely free. We will evaluate your child's ocular health risks and his or her visual needs, and discuss which treatment option is best for your child.


Our Myopia Control Methods


Ortho-k uses a small, rigid mold that resembles a contact lens. We also refer to them as "nighttime lenses" as your child will only wear these molds during sleeping hours. The molds gently reshape your child’s cornea as he or she sleeps, correcting your child’s vision. In the morning, your child removes the lenses and sees clearly all day without traditional glasses or contact lenses.

Multifocal Soft Lenses

Soft multifocal contact lenses are an off-label use for myopia control treatment. With "peripheral defocus," the eye receives signals that tell it not to elongate, thereby slowing the progression of myopia. Unlike ortho-k, your child will have to wear the lenses during the day and while participating in extracurricular activities. Vision with multifocal lenses is typically not as sharp as vision with ortho-k. 

Atropine Eye Drops

As with multifocal soft contact lenses, low-dose atropine signals the eye to not elongate, thereby slowing the progression of myopia. The low dosage provides clear vision and does not measurably reduce your child’s ability to focus. Your child will still have to wear his or her traditional glasses or contact lenses during the day. 

Want to learn more? Reach out today!

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